British Boer Goat Society


Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

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Click here for the Members only hub with up-to-date news and announcements, Training & Education videos and Members Directory

Click here for Membership Types, fees, forms and payment details

Click here for members wishing to register, transfer and manage their herd. Also the Grassroots User Guide

Click here for handy hints and advice for buying a boer goat or a starter herd

The BBGS would like to welcome Daniel Wright for stepping up as a co-opted trustee. We appreciate his willingness to give up his valuable spare time on behalf of the society and its members, with lots of enthusiasm and great ideas, it will be a pleasure working alongside you Daniel!

We also encourage any other members who would like the opportunity to contribute their input to the society to please get in touch, your involvement is always welcome!
[email protected]

New Membership for 2024

Show Attendant Membership.

This membership applies to those who are NOT already BBGS Members and is a requirement for those who will be handling goats in the showing ring.

Applicants must complete a membership form which can be found on the website HERE.

The fee is £2.00 and covers all, and each, of the BBGS supported Shows in 2024. It carries no Full Membership benefits. 

The Show Attendant fee must be made prior to the shows.

Acceptance is subject to British Boer Goat Society ratification.

The aims of the British Boer Goat Society are to promote the health, welfare, and breeding of the Boer goat in the United Kingdom using communication, education and supporting knowledge whilst protecting the Boer Goat Breed Standard.